Privacy Policy
Last Updated: April 8, 2016
1. Definition of Personal Information
OnTheOrange considers personal information to be information on living individuals as prescribed in laws concerning the protection of personal information (name, date of birth, and other information which enables the identification of specific individuals), as well as e-mail addresses used in connection with a specific individual, and other information which is associated with an individual.
2. Specification of the Purposes of Usage of Personal Information
OnTheOrange uses personal information for the purposes prescribed below:
・Delivery of content such as games, video, and music; and the provision of related services
・Service development; statistics, analysis, questionnaires and other marketing activities intended to improve services
・Responses to inquiries, consultation, and complaints; and the resolution of disputes
3. Limitations on Usage of Personal Information
OnTheOrange shall not handle personal information in a way that exceeds the scope necessary to fulfill the purpose of usage without the prior consent of the identified individual. In the event that OnTheOrange acquires personal information due to a merger or other reason, OnTheOrange will not use that information in a manner that exceeds the scope of the purpose of usage prior to the succession; provided however that this rule shall not apply in the following situations:
・When provided for in laws and regulations
・When it is necessary to protect the life, body, or property of a person, and the consent of the identified individual is difficult to obtain
・When it is particularly necessary to improve public health or promote the sound development of a juvenile, and the consent of the identified individual is difficult to obtain
・When it is necessary to cooperate with the national government, local government, or a person who has been entrusted by those institutions in the duties thereof as specified in laws and regulations, and obtaining the consent of the identified individual would interfere with the performance of those affairs
4. Appropriate Acquisition of Personal Information
OnTheOrange shall acquire personal information in an appropriate manner, and not by deceit or other wrongful means. OnTheOrange shall take care to avoid collecting the personal information of children under the age of fifteen (15) in the absence of the consent of a parental or guardian without good reason.
5. Notification of the Purpose of Usage of Personal Information
When collecting personal information, OnTheOrange shall publicly announce the purpose of the usage of the personal information, and provide the identified individual with advance notice thereof, provided however that this rule shall not apply in the following situations:
・When life, bodies, property or other rights and interests are likely to be harmed by publicly announcing the purpose of the usage of the personal information or providing the identified individual with advance notice thereof
・When the legitimate interests of OnTheOrange are likely to be harmed by publicly announcing the purpose of the usage of the personal information or providing the identified individual with advance notice thereof
・When it is necessary to cooperate in the performance of the affairs of the national government, local government, or a person who has been entrusted by those institutions as specified in laws and regulations, and publicly announcing the purpose of the usage of the personal information or providing the identified individual with advance notice thereof would interfere with the performance of those affairs
・When the purpose of usage is clear from the situation in which personal information is acquired
6. Alteration of the Purpose of Usage of Personal Information
OnTheOrange shall not change the purpose of usage to one which can reasonably be considered to exceed the scope of the original, and shall publicly announce changes to the purpose of usage, and provide identified individuals with advance notice thereof.
7. Safety Management of Personal Information and Supervision of Employees
OnTheOrange specifies rules for the protection of personal information, and conducts the necessary and appropriate supervision of employees so as to prevent the leakage, loss, or damage of personal information and otherwise perform the safe management thereof.
8. Supervision of Delegated Parties
When delegating third parties to handle some or all personal information, OnTheOrange concludes confidentiality agreements and other agreements with the delegated parties and requests consent to the terms and agreements thereof so as to safely manage personal information.
9. Limitations of Provision to Third Parties
- (1)
OnTheOrange shall not offer personal information to third parties without the prior consent of the identified person, except for in the following situations:
・When provided for in laws and regulations
・When it is necessary to protect the life, body, or property of a person, and the consent of the identified individual is difficult to obtain
・When it is particularly necessary to improve public health or promote the sound development of a juvenile, and the consent of the identified individual is difficult to obtain
・When it is necessary to cooperate in the performance of the affairs of the national government, local government, or a person who has been entrusted by those institutions as specified in laws and regulations, and obtaining the consent of the identified individual would interfere with the performance of those affairs
・When advance notice or public announcement of the following matters has been made:
1. That the purpose of usage includes provision to third parties
2. What data is offered to third parties
3. The methods and means of provision to third parties
4. That the provision of personal information to third parties shall cease upon the request of the identified person
- (2)
The provisions in the previous paragraph notwithstanding, the category of third party set forth above shall not apply in the following situations:
・When OnTheOrange delegates some or all personal information within the scope necessary to fulfill the purpose of usage
・When personal information is provided in accordance with a merger or other reason for the succession of business
・When the personal information is used jointly with a specific person, and the fact that the information is used jointly, what personal information is used jointly, the scope of parties using the information jointly, those parties’ purposes of use, and the name of the person or persons responsible for managing the said personal information are, in advance, communicated to the identified individual, or are readily accessible by the identified person.
- (3)
When the personal information is used jointly with a specific person, and there are changes to the purpose of usage, the name of the person or persons responsible for management, or the name of OnTheOrange, the content of those changes shall be, in advance, communicated to the identified individual, or are readily accessible by the identified person.
10. Public Announcement of Matters Related to Personal Information
OnTheOrange shall put the following in a state readily accessible to the identified person, and shall respond to requests of the identified individual without delay;
(1) The purpose of usage of personal information (excluding cases in which laws related to privacy specify that there is no obligation to do so. When no answer will be provided, OnTheOrange shall notify the identified person to that effect without delay).
(2) A point of contact for inquiries related to personal information
11. Disclosure of Personal Information
When the identified individual makes a request for the disclosure of personal information, OnTheOrange shall disclose personal information without delay upon confirming that the person making the request is the identified individual, provided however that in any of the following cases, OnTheOrange may occasionally refrain from disclosing some or all information. When no information will be disclosed, OnTheOrange shall notify the identified person to that effect without delay.
(1) When disclosure is likely to harm the life, body, property or other rights and interests of a third party
(2) When disclosure is likely to interfere with the proper performance of OnTheOrange’ affairs
(3) When disclosure violates other laws or regulations Furthermore, access logs and information other than personal information shall not be disclosed in principle.
12. Correction of Personal Information and Related Matters
When OnTheOrange receives a request from the identified person for the correction of, addition to, or deletion of personal information for the reason that it is not correct (hereinafter referred to as Correction), OnTheOrange shall, within the scope necessary for accomplishment of the purpose of usage of the personal information, conduct any necessary investigation without delay and perform a Correction.
13. Discontinuation of Usage of Personal Information and Related Matters
When OnTheOrange receives a request from the identified person for the deletion or erasure of personal information for either the reason that it is handled in a manner exceeding the purpose of usage, or the reason that it was acquired by deceit or other wrongful means (hereinafter referred to as Discontinuation), OnTheOrange shall upon confirming that the person making the request is the identified individual, conduct any necessary investigation without delay and, based on its results, perform Discontinuation and notify the identified individual, provided however that when Discontinuation would have a large cost or it is otherwise difficult to perform Discontinuation, and where substitute measures are necessary to protect the rights and interests of the identified individual, OnTheOrange will take alternative measures.